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Car seats can be deadly for sleeping babies

by 뉴질랜드고구마 2013. 7. 18.
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-------[ 아래 뉴스 원문 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Car seats can be deadly for sleeping babies

New research suggests babies should never be left to sleep in car seats when not in the car.

A study from Auckland University has found a link between car safety seats and decreased oxygen levels, as babies' heads slump forward when they fall asleep in the seats.

The researchers studied breathing patterns of babies sleeping in a car safety seat, with and without a foam plastic insert.

It found that breathing issues were significantly reduced when the insert was used.

Dr Christine McIntosh, the lead researcher, said the study highlighted the fact parents should not let their infants sleep in car seats when they were not in the car.

"Sudden unexpected deaths in infants can occasionally occur in car seats/capsules," she said.

Christchurch mother-of-three Rachel Jamieson, 34, said she was surprised to hear the practice could be unsafe.

"People have been keeping their babies in car seats for years. I thought they would have had all safety checks done before you buy [them]. It is quite worrying."

Jamieson's youngest, Greta, is 5 months old and sleeps in a car seat in the front seat, which does not have an airbag.

"I feel reasonably comfortable as I can see her while I'm driving, but if your baby was in the back in the car seat you may not see what was happening."

Jamieson said she had been "guilty" of letting her babies sleep in the car seat while they were not in the car.

"I probably did it the most with my first one. It's because they're so settled you don't want to wake them up.

"A lot of mothers do take the baby out while they grab a coffee and some even have carseats that clip on to wheels to become a pushchair. It's not common knowledge at all that you shouldn't let them sleep."

McIntosh said they wanted to find out whether an insert that allows the infant's head to rest upright in sleep could improve safety by reducing periods of low oxygen.

The study found that the foam insert reduced the number of stop- breathing problems due to obstruction and reduced the fall in oxygen levels during these episodes.

However, it did not significantly reduce the overall rate of moderate low oxygen events.

"Even reducing severity of the fall in oxygen levels is important and is a good indicator that the insert did help make babies safer," said McIntosh.

The foam plastic insert, designed to allow the infant's head to rest in a neutral position in sleep, is already available commercially.

Jamieson said she would consider buying one if it became common knowledge that they helped babies.

"If someone like Plunket endorse the research and that this could help then I would definitely buy one. You'd do anything to keep your children safe."

기사원문 링크 : http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/8927177/Car-seats-can-be-deadly-for-sleeping-babies

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