Parrot Cichlid Turquoise Marble
pH range: 6.4-7.4
Temp range: 24-30°C
Approx. purchase size: 3cm
Max size: 12-20cm
Information about Fish
A full grown polar blue parrot cichlid is about 3 – 4 inches long, but you can expect them to get up to 5 inches tall in ideal conditions and stable water parameters.
Best parameters for polar blue parrot cichlids to breed:
Temperature: above 80 degrees Fahrenheit
Diet: High Vegetable Diet, fewer proteins/meats diet (good foods include fry fish and fry groundfish flakes)
Water pH levels: Above 7.8
Water Hardness: 9 – 20 KH
우리집 수족관에 들어온 3번째 물고기 가족은 일명 마블피쉬입니다. 야들은 다현이가 주인 하기로 했습니다.

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